Shanterrie Sullivan was born in Atlanta, Georgia, where she has lived all her life with her two sons and family. She attended and graduated from West Fulton High School, where she began her journey of serving through the High School’s Hospitality program. She would also serve as a candy striper at the local Hospital as she spent so much of her time there between caring for her mom, grandmother and great-grandmother. She knew from a young girl she wanted to take care of other people.
She would begin her life attending Atlanta Area Technical under an Associate Diploma Program for Early Childhood Development and Graduate to serve as a Early Childcare Professional learning every aspect of running a successful Childcare Business. In this
Time She rededicated herself and her second born to Christ, where she would serve in the ministry in many capacities, she served as Dir. of Admin, Dir. Single Ministry, Dir. Women Ministry, Dir. Summer Camp/DayCare, Grievance Committee when her only goal was a closer relationship with God and in tune with her Spiritual being.